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Viewpoint’s South Asian Student Affinity Group Hosts Diwali Festivities on Campus
Viewpoint’s South Asian Student Affinity Group Hosts Diwali Festivities on Campus

On Tuesday, November 14, Middle and Upper School students, along with faculty and staff, gathered to observe Diwali, which is the most significant annual holiday in India. Diwali, a Hindu festival of lights, signifies the spiritual triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

Viewpoint’s South Asian Student Affinity (SASA) Group hosted an Upper School celebration on the Plaza, where attendees had the chance to experience various traditional Indian dishes, engage in diya painting, and partake in rangoli drawing during the event.

"I was brought up celebrating Diwali, which is the most important holiday in our culture, much like Christmas," expressed Mishka Rathi ’26. "It's a significant and enjoyable event filled with decorations, delicious food, and the opportunity to reconnect with friends you may not have seen in a long time."

Middle School students also participated in the Diwali festivities. During lunch, students decorated Litow Patio with rangoli designs using chalk in honor of the holiday. 

“I think one of the most beautiful things about living in the United States is that we get to celebrate different cultures,” said Rathi. “I’m proud of my heritage and it’s heartwarming to see other people appreciating and enjoying it too.”

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