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Wellness at Viewpoint

Wellness is the baseline for academic success. If our students aren’t healthy and well, they cannot thrive in the classroom. The wellness program at Viewpoint aims to help students develop well-being skills that will last a lifetime. 
Viewpoint School recently received the Edward E. Ford Foundation Grant to create a comprehensive wellness program for Viewpoint School students and employees, integrating existing programming and imagining new directions in the interdependent areas of social emotional learning, positive mental health, human development, mindfulness, and ethics and character education and mind-brain education. 

All students want to be seen, heard, and understood, and when this takes place the best learning can occur. At Viewpoint we care deeply for our students. As we continue to amplify and expand our wellness program, we want to give our students the tools they need to flourish at Viewpoint and beyond.Rebecca Heller, Director of STUDENT Wellness, GRADES TK-12

Wellness At A Glance

Primary School and Lower School:
The Primary and Lower School utilize Responsive Classroom, a student-centered, social and emotional learning approach based on evidence-based practices designed to create safe, joyful, and engaging classrooms and includes a morning meeting where students can feel seen and heard. Social and emotional learning is woven into many of the lessons and activities.

Upper School:

Human Development is Viewpoint Upper School’s social and emotional program, which is comprised of three courses and a series of extracurricular seminars. The program offers a year-long, required class for students in Ninth Grade and two advanced elective courses for Tenth-Twelfth Graders as well as ongoing advisory groups for Tenth-Twelfth Graders. Wellness topics are also presented at assemblies and grade-level meetings. 

Middle School:
Middle School Advisory offers a space for students to learn about themselves and the world around them. Middle School teachers have also been trained in Responsive Classroom.